Protecting Lives, Vessels, and Communities on the water

At Storm Safe, we work to ensure that every mariner on the water has the resources and support they need to protect their vessel from storms, contributing to more resilient coastal communities.

Who we are

About Us

At Storm Safe, first and foremost, we are mariners. We know what it means to ride out a storm on the hook, and we know what the consequences can be when a mariner is not prepared. We’ve seen it firsthand, and we don’t want to see it again. On the water, we help each other We prioritize safety. We lend a hand.

Our Impact

In the Tampa Bay region and beyond, every major storm we see leaves a trail of damage in its wake. A growing component of the damage are moored and anchored vessels taking refuge in our protected bays and shallow waterways. Many mariners are unable to appropriately prepare their vessels for heavy weather, which too often break loose or drag anchor during storm events, causing significant damage to the vessels themselves along with public and private property in its path.

By providing mariners with critical heavy weather equipment and training, Storm Safe works to keep mariners and their vessels safe. These efforts help protect fragile coastal shorelines and ecosystems from vessels that may have otherwise foundered or run aground and save municipalities time and resources that can be allocated to other critical recovery efforts and initiatives.

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